In today's world we are all inundated with a vast array of responsibilities. This is one area that I am seeing more and more with my clients. The stress caused by having so much on our plates can cause a type of paralysis where we suddenly find ourselves getting little to nothing accomplished out of a feeling of being overwhelmed! So how do we get ourselves on track and stop procrastinating, and start accomplishing our goals? While it is not always easy, one technique that many of my clients find useful is to learn to chunk down. In NLP the term chunking down can be best understood through the old joke: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! When we put our focus on one simple task, and put everything else on out of mind, we are less likely to feel as overwhelmed. It is a lot like reading a book, you have to take it one word at a time, one page at a time, and before you know it you have completed the entire book. For some people just applying this concept is all that they need to reduce the anxiety, and to start getting more accomplished. Of course, it is best to prioritize your tasks and goals before taking action. However, this is not always possible and sometimes you will simply need to randomly select one of the more important goals on your list. Try keeping this concept in mind and you may find yourself getting more done than you ever thought possible! The key to this technique is focus, and unfortunately that is not always as easy as it sounds, and that is where using tools such as hypnotherapy, NLP, and Life Coaching come into play. One of the many benefits of the coaching model is that of having somebody who is trained to objectively help you set goals, and who will hold you accountable for taking the actions needed. Through the use of hypnosis and NLP, you can learn to reprogram your mind to take the actions needed without feeling like you are forcing yourself. Give the above a try, and feel free to contact our office for a free initial consultation at 505-884-0164 if you want professional coaching to help you reach your greatest potential.
Stan Alexander, M.Ed., C.Ht. Archives
March 2020
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